Lossy Image Compression Now Available

Today we’re introducing a new feature enabling you to optionally compress images on your sites with greater control over quality and file size.

On WordPress.com VIP, we’ve always losslessly compressed your uploaded images—we do some simple processing to trim file sizes and remove bloat while still maintaining the original images’ quality.

However, as we continue to see traffic across the VIP network shift to mobile devices, in an interest to help our publishers reduce page load times we’ve now added options to further optimize file sizes through lossy compression.

Implementation is really straightforward, using this function in your theme (make sure to refer to the canonical documentation, as this may change over time):

wpcom_vip_set_image_quality( $quality, $strip )

$quality can be a value between 0 and 100, where 100 is the original image quality.

$strip refers to meta data embedded in the file, and has the following options:

info: will remove all Exif, IPTC and comment data from the image.
color: will remove any ICC color profiles present in the image.
all: will remove all of the above.

For example, our annual WordPress-themed holiday wallpaper:

At full size, this image is 649k; with strip=all it’s reduced down to 600k, and with quality=80 it shrinks even further to 125k—with only a marginal impact to image quality:

Special thanks to our friends at TechCrunch for helping test this new feature!

“Big Media” WordPress Forum in NYC

Attention NYC-based VIP customers: the New York Times, with assistance from WordPress.com VIP, will be hosting a monthly meet-up for major media companies in and around New York City who use WordPress.

The first event is scheduled for Thursday, April 26 from 7 to 9:30pm at The New York Times building. We’ll start at 7pm, but doors open at 6:15—come early and meet your peers. There will be socializing afterwards as well.

The program will feature a couple of announced speakers and presentations, plus time for “lightning talks”—an open microphone and projector for anyone to show and tell work they’re doing. If you’re interested in speaking, please get in touch.

The content will focus on the concerns and solutions unique to big media companies using WordPress. Things like: scalability, plug-ins and APIs, feeds, versioning and upgrades, downstream dependencies, media, measurement, edit tools and workflow, and on and on.

Please register here if you’d like to attend—I hope you can join us!