Better control around your deployment branches

We’re happy to unveil a significant advancement in code management: the Repository Management feature inside the VIP Dashboard. This new tool will accelerate your development and testing workflows by giving you the autonomy to take instant actions around your environments. 

Repository Management allows you to modify the branches from which we deploy your environments, offering a tailored and flexible approach to your project’s needs, without the need to go through our support. We’ve empowered you to take decisive action, toggle it yourself, and keep on deploying cool things. 

How to Get Started

To start using Repository Management, simply access the VIP Dashboard, go to Code, and select ‘Repository Management’. From there, you can choose your preferred deployment branch. For detailed instructions, please refer to our Repository Management Documentation.

Need Assistance?

As always, we’re here to help. If you have any questions or need support with Repository Management, please open a support ticket, and our team will be glad to assist you.