Action Required: Changes in Email Deliveries

Both Google and Yahoo are making some changes for deliverability to their services starting from Feb 1, 2024, and WordPress VIP will be updating our infrastructure to account for these changes. Customers who use custom domains to send emails from WordPress will need to act and add DNS records mentioned below. If you only use the default email address,, no action is necessary.

Required Changes 

If you use a custom domain to send email, you’ll need to add SPF and DKIM records and, if you’re sending more than 5,000 emails per day, a DMARC record into your DNS settings. 

Sender Policy Framework (SPF)

For the SPF Record, you need to add the following string to your existing SPF Record:

Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM)  

For the DKIM Record, you to add the following CNAME records to your DNS Settings:

wpvip1._domainkey.<domain> CNAME
wpvip2._domainkey.<domain> CNAME

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC)

For DMARC, which is required if you are sending more than 5,000 emails per day, the minimum entry would need to be:


with TXT value of

v=DMARC1; p=none; 


VIP’s infrastructure is not intended for the distribution of bulk HTML emails, mailing list functionality, invitations to view or share content, notifications of site activity, or other mass-email functionality. 

We kindly ask you to use an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) service or ESP (Email Service Provider) to send such emails. More Information on how to set this up can be found in our documentation: 

What happens after 1st of February

Please make sure to set the required DNS entries for your domains to make sure your emails are still delivered. Without these updates, your emails risk being undelivered or marked as spam, leading to potential communication disruptions and harm to your domain’s credibility. Prompt action is advised to uphold the reliability and effectiveness of your email communications.

If you have any questions related to this, please open a support ticket, and we will be happy to assist.