Notice: Automated feedback on Pull Requests now live

This notice relates to the following platforms: VIP Go

As outlined in January, we’ve been working on an automated code scanning tool that would provide developers with nearly immediate feedback allowing them to address potential issues and speed up the code approval process. We’ve implemented this tool on all VIP client site repositories in the form of a GitHub bot, vip-go-ci. This automated feedback does not replace the full code review. Rather, it’s an enhancement designed to provide developers with faster feedback and speed up the review process.

When you create a pull request (PR) on a VIP client site repository in the VIP GitHub organization, the bot will automatically run a PHP linter to identify code syntax and compilation errors that need to be addressed before the code can be deployed. The bot will also run our PHP CodeSniffer (aka PHPCS) ruleset, which enforces our code standards and helps you follow VIP best practices for writing secure, performant, and future-friendly code.

Feedback from both the PHP linter and PHPCS output will be provided in the form of GitHub PR reviews. Here’s an example of how the feedback will appear:

We’ll be continuing to refine the feedback produced by the bot to improve accuracy and reduce false positives over time. If you notice any issues, please open a ticket, and we’ll be happy to take a look.

In the future, we would like the vip-go-ci bot to be able to auto-approve pull requests that only alter specific types of files (CSS, JPG, PNG, for example).


Further Questions

The vip-go-ci bot has been rolled out to all VIP client site repositories within the VIP GitHub organization. If you notice any issues or would like to provide feedback, feel free to open a support ticket.