Performance improvements

We’re always looking to make your site load faster and today we’re happy to announce a new function that enables certain additional caching and removes usually unneeded features:


This new function does 3 things:

  1. Disables the instapost functionality which is rarely used by VIP clients.
  2. Caches for 30 minutes the full comment count shown in the menu under comments in wp-admin.
  3. Disables the adjacent post rel links in the head of the html page.

We recommend these tweaks for everyone as they help improve site performance.
We will be analyzing client feedback and will determine if this should be turned on by default in the coming months.

If you are not interested in these tweaks, you may use the following to pro-actively disable them if they were ever to be turned on by default. (We would make a new lobby post before enabling these by default).
