PHP Warnings are now visible from the VIP Dashboard

To help give more visibility into your production site we’ve launched a new widget in the VIP Dashboard. This widget will display up to 5000 PHP warnings and errors that have happened in the last 24 hours on your site. The data is refreshed every hour.

To access this information, visit your VIP Dashboard and locate the PHP Errors and Warnings from the last 24h widget.


Here are 2 screenshots of what you will see, first with errors:


Each bullet point tells you how many times it occurred, the warning text, and in which file + line number to start looking.

And if you don’t have errors:


In the coming months, we may make this more visible such as with an admin notification when there are more than 100 warnings or errors in the last 24 hours. This would notify you when new PHP Warnings have cropped up and need to be fixed.

The VIP team has access to sample http requests and backtraces that can be provided in most cases. Contact us if you need help with a PHP Warning and would like that information.