New Feature: Commit Webhook

Sounds like VIP developers really like webhooks 🙂

Based on a request on the original announcement for Deploy Webhook (Thanks Chris!), we added another one, this time for commits.

Now you can get pings via a simple webhook whenever a commit for your theme or plugin code is pushed to the subversion repo.

Same as before, you can specify your webhook endpoints in file called wpcom-meta.php in the root of your theme:

 * Commit Webhook:

Endpoints can be a comma-separated list of URLs.

Commit Webhook:, 

Endpoints will receive something like the following as POST data:

array (
    'repo' => 'vip',
    'theme' => 'test-theme',
    'revision' => '1234',
    'committer' => 'batmoo',

Leave a comment here if you have any suggestions for improvements or other webhooks we could add. We’d also love to hear what you end up doing with these!

New Feature: Deploy Webhook

We’ve added webhook support for deploy notifications. Now you can get pings via a simple webhook whenever a deploy for your theme or plugin code is pushed live.

You can specify your webhook endpoints in file called wpcom-meta.php in the root of your theme:

 * Deploy Webhook:

The value of the endpoints in the “Deploy Webhook” line of the comment can be a comma-separated list of URLs.

Deploy Webhook:, 

The endpoints should not involve redirects as those may not be followed during the notification process.

Endpoints will receive something like the following as POST data:

array (
    'repo' => 'vip',
    'theme' => 'test-theme',
    'previous_revision' => '1234',
    'deployed_revision' => '5678',
    'deployer' => 'batmoo',
    'revision_log' => 'r5678 Added new stuff that does things',

Thank you to the VIPs and partners who suggested this feature and helped us test things out. We’ve already seen or heard about implementations utilizing this like sending notifications to a group HipChat channel. We’d love to hear what you end up doing with this too; let us know!