Brightcove Video Connect v1.2.2 now available!

A new version of the Brightcove Video Connect plugin has been committed to the shared plugins repository. V1.2.2 is a bugfix release and is intended to replace v1.2.1 and includes;

  • Add strict parameter to use of `in_array`
  • Add .avi to list of accepted MIMEtypes
  • Issue where caption file types were deemed invalid if they had a query string attached
  • Add fallback to default player for playlist rendering
  • Issue where search would leave an empty screen

We encourage all VIPs usingBrightcove Video Connect to upgrade to this version by specifying the version parameter of `wpcom_vip_load_plugin()` like so;

wpcom_vip_load_plugin( ‘brightcove-video-connect’, ‘plugins’, ‘1.2.2’ );

This also means that we are now deprecating v1.1.3 and intend to remove the plugin in 30 days, on July 1st, 2016. v1.2.1 will remain available for those who want to use it, but we strongly encourage you to upgrade to v1.2.2.

As we approach the removal date for v1.1.3 we’ll contact any VIPs still loading that version and will force update any themes that haven’t migrated by that date.

If you have any questions please open a ticket where we’ll be happy to assist you transition to the newest version.

Officially introducing Brightcove, the newest member of our Technology Partner Program


We’d like to officially introduce our newest Technology Partner, Brightcove! Brightcove is the leading global provider of cloud content services for publishing and distributing video across connected devices. Founded in 2004, Brightcove has created and defined the online video platform and spent more than a decade helping the largest media companies and brands in the world tell their stories.

You can load the plugin via the Plugins UI in the Dashboard or in functions.php with this line:

wpcom_vip_load_plugin( 'brightcove-video-connect' )

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.