WordPress 5.7.1 Security and Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.7.1, a security maintenance release, has been pushed out to all VIP sites running WordPress 5.7 that were not locked to a specific version.

This release features 26 bug fixes affecting WordPress 5.7 and two security fixes. To see a full list of changes, you can browse the list on Trac, read the 5.71 RC1 post, or visit the 5.7.1 documentation page.

For more details about this release (including specific changes), please see the announcement post and release notes.

Have questions?

If you have any questions related to this release, please open a support ticket and we will be happy to assist.

Notice: Weak TLSv1.2 Ciphers Disabled

Following our previous post, as of Friday, April 3rd, 2020, the following reported weak TLSv1.2 ciphers have been disabled on VIP Go:


The impact is expected to minimal. Through our platforms’ logging metrics, around 0.15% of total traffic is impacted.

If you have any questions, please open a support ticket and we’ll be happy to assist.

New Release: AMP 1.4.2 on WordPress.com

Following a successful call for testing period and the completion of a series of automated tests, we have deployed AMP 1.4.2 across VIP sites on WordPress.com.

(Note: this update does not apply to sites on the VIP Go platform.)

The AMP plugin has been updated from v0.6.2 to v1.4.2. The 1.4.2 release includes tons of bug fixes and other improvements we think you will enjoy. For a complete list of what has changed, head on over to the GitHub changelog and browse through the release history.

If you have questions or run into issues, please open a support ticket with details and we will be glad to assist.

New Release: WordPress 5.3.2

WordPress 5.3.2, a maintenance release, has been rolled out to all VIP sites across WordPress.com and VIP Go.

The release contains fixes for five core bugs including an update to the Date/Time component, which prevents a fatal error in some feeds.

For more details about this release (including specific changes), please see the announcement post, release notes, or changelog.

Have questions?

If you have any questions related to this release, please open a support ticket and we will be happy to assist.

WordPress 5.3 Deployment Delayed

Upgrades of production environments have been paused due to some sites experiencing JavaScript errors impacting the editing experience within WP Admin. We have completed our upgrades to WordPress 5.3 across all develop and preprod WordPress environments on the VIP Go platform. To have your production environment upgraded, get in touch with us.

What are my next steps?

To ensure your site’s compatibility with WordPress 5.3 we strongly recommend you thoroughly test your non-production environments. We also recommend updating all plugins to their latest versions.

Updated deployment timeline

We will resume upgrading production sites to WordPress 5.3 once we are confident we have resolved the underlying cause. This post will be updated once we have a new date and time for the upgrade.

If you have any testing feedback or questions related to this release, please open a ticket, and we’ll be happy to assist.

New Release: Jetpack 7.9.1

In order to address a vulnerability in the way Jetpack processed embed code, Jetpack 7.9.1 was deployed to all VIP Go sites at Tue Nov 19 17:37:00 UTC 2019.

While the exploit has existed since Jetpack 5.1, no evidence that this vulnerability has been exploited was discovered. There is no action is needed on your part. We are informing you of this minor release to reassure you that we upgraded Jetpack as soon as the release became publicly available.

In addition to the security release, Jetpack 7.9.1 fixes a few other minor issues, including improved compatibility with Twenty Twenty, the new default theme for WordPress 5.3.

You will find complete details on this release in the announcement post and changelog.

Have questions?

If you have any questions related to this release, please open a support ticket with details and we will be happy to assist.

Resolved: GitHub Webhook Availability Issues

Update May 22, 2019 22:05 UTC: GitHub has marked this issue as resolved as of May 22, 2019 – 20:08 UTC. Deploys on VIP Go are functioning as expected. If you are still experiencing problems with deploys or need further assistance we can be reached at vip-support@wordpress.com

Starting at 16:56 UTC on May 22, GitHub reported a delay of notification delivery affecting deploys on VIP Go. GitHub paused Webhooks at 17:46 UTC, and they remained paused until 18:42 UTC, when GitHub started processing the backlog. During the outage window and until GitHub is fully operational, VIP Go clients may experience delayed or missing deploys.

We are monitoring the issue closely and will follow up with an update once we have confirmed this is resolved.

GitHub’s account of the outage can be found on the GitHub Status blog or Twitter account.

If you have any questions, please email vip-support@wordpress.com.

Resolved: Filters failing to return on VIP Go sites

This notice relates to the following platforms: VIP Go

Some sites on VIP Go experienced a partial outage between December 4 00:27:28 UTC and December 4 00:55:14 UTC.

This issue was caused by a platform-level change to VIP Go. Due to this internal change, filters started returning null. Once we linked our change to the outage, we reverted our change to restore filters to their expected behavior. We also flushed the cache on affected sites ensuring they were working expected.

We apologize for any inconvenience the disruption caused you. If your site is still experiencing problems or you have any further questions, please email vip-support@wordpress.com.