More Gutenberg Dev How-To Videos

As the target date for Gutenberg approaches, we have our second set of how-to videos now available on Our goal is to iterate on these videos as Gutenberg functionality continues to evolve.

Here are the topics covered in the new videos:

Converting Custom Content to Gutenberg

  • Shortcodes to Blocks
  • ACF Fields to Blocks
  • CMB2 to Blocks

Access Control & User Permissions

  • Controlling access to blocks
  • Controlling access to blocks based on user roles
  • Creating Block Templates
  • Applying User Roles to Block Templates

These videos follow the first set we released, that introduce Gutenberg from a user and developer perspective. Those are still available, in the same place. And as a reminder, you can use to easily introduce the new editor interface to anyone you work with who hasn’t had a chance to explore it.

This doc is our ongoing reference to all things Gutenberg at VIP, including links to additional helpful resources and tools.

We want to be part of your Gutenberg plans! In addition to our soon-to-be-released Ramp plugin designed to help with your testing and transition, we have lots of ways to support you.

VIP clients represent the highest expression of WordPress at scale and have highly customized workflows, mission critical outputs, complex integrations and large teams to consider. As your Gutenberg transition plan starts to take shape, reach out to us to discuss customized support and training.