Feature Update: Export database backups generated on-demand

We’re thrilled to announce that we have expanded our VIP-CLI dev-env export sql command to include an option to generate a new backup and export it. This new feature is a step towards ensuring that you have access to the latest data of your application.

vip export sql @<your-application-id>.<environment-name> --generate-backup

The --generate-backup command option triggers the creation of a new database backup before the CLI downloads it onto your machine. If this option is not used, the database backup for your environment which was last generated by our systems will be downloaded (which is also the default behaviour of this command).

Here is an example of the new command option:

vip @0000.production export sql --generate-backup

NOTICE: A new database backup will only be generated for this environment if a recent backup does not already exist. Learn more about this: https://docs.wpvip.com/technical-references/vip-dashboard/backups/#0-limitations

Creating a new database backup...
✓ Preparing
✓ Generating backup
New database backup created
✓ Preparing
✓ Creating backup copy
✓ Requesting download link
✓ Downloading file - 100.00% (39.57 KB/39.57 KB)
File saved to /Users/home/2023-06-21T1404UTC-environment.go-vip.net-abcdefghijkl-db-backup.sql.gz

Please note that this feature has rate limits associated with it. Please take a look at the related documentation for more details on this.

To use this feature, please run npm install -g @automattic/vip to get the latest version of VIP-CLI. Verify that your VIP-CLI installation is on version 2.32.0 or above, by running vip --version from the terminal. You can learn more about this feature from our documentation.

We would love to know what you think. How do you hope to use these new tools? What could be added to improve your experience? Feel free to get in touch!