Updated Timeline – Removing Gutenberg Ramp

As shared in our November 2020 announcement, VIP is actively working to deprecate the Gutenberg Ramp plugin. To facilitate this, we have proactively opened Pull Requests against individual customer repos and branches for each environment, which replaces the Gutenberg Ramp functionality with simplified WordPress Core filters. 

During testing of these Pull Requests, we have identified a bug in the Core filter (details below). While we are actively working to mitigate this issue, both on the VIP platform, and within Core, we are delaying the deprecation from February 3 to February 22, 2021. This includes delaying the previously planned merging of outstanding Pull Requests to February 17.

Identified Issue Affecting Certain Post Types

We have identified an issue affecting any post types that do not support the Block Editor, such as attachments, and certain custom post types. The current Core Filter, use_block_editor_for_post, will attempt to use the Block Editor for all post types, and does not check for Block Editor support. This results in an error on the WordPress Dashboard when attempting to edit these posts. This issue does not affect front-end display.

Solutions in Progress

We have reported the bug within WordPress Core and have provided a patch to implement a check for Block Editor support. 

As an immediate fix, we are implementing the following patch to vip-go-mu-plugins:

add_filter('use_block_editor_for_post', function( $can_edit, $post ) { if ( ! post_type_supports( $post->post_type, 'editor' ) ) { return false; } return $can_edit; }, 999, 2 );

What if I’ve already merged the Pull Requests?

For those customers who have proactively tested and merged the Pull Requests, no additional action is needed. The above immediate fix will mitigate any potential conflicts.

What If I haven’t merged the Pull Requests?

For those who have not yet acted on the Pull Requests, we will be opening follow-up tickets via Zendesk both as a reminder, and to help answer any question you may have about this deprecation. We do still ask that you test and action these changes according to your development workflows. This is required in order to maintain current functionality when Gutenberg Ramp has been removed.

According to our updated timeline, all outstanding Pull Requests will be merged on February 17, 2021. Deprecation will follow on February 22, 2021.

Thank you so much to those who have had the opportunity to test and action the changes, and helped to identify this bug. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to open a support ticket.