Facebook + Instagram removing oEmbed Support

Facebook has announced that they are removing support for oEmbed requests. From their announcement post:

Changes to tokenless access for User Picture and FB/IG OEmbed endpoints: By October 24, 2020, developers must leverage a user, app, or client token when querying Graph API for user profile pictures via UID, FB OEmbeds and IG OEmbeds. Developers should provide a user or app token when querying for profile pictures via a UID or ASID, though client tokens are supported as well. Please visit our changelog for User Picture, Facebook OEmbed, and Instagram OEmbed for details on how to start calling these Graph API endpoints today.

How does this affect my site on WordPress VIP?

Writers and editors for your site may have been embedding Facebook statuses and Instagram posts into your content using oEmbed-compatible URLs. When WordPress detects these, it requests the embed to display from Facebook’s services using the oEmbed format.

Currently, Facebook does not require any authentication to supply these embeds and place them within your post content. Starting on October 24th, this policy is changing, and an identifying token from the Facebook Developer program will be required for the embed to display. For more of an overview of oEmbeds you can visit the WordPress.org support article here or the general oEmbed documentation here.

Since these endpoints will no longer be open, WordPress Core is planning on removing support. If you rely on Facebook or Instagram oEmbeds, after October 24th, by default the URLs will be returned as a string inside of the post. 

What are the next steps from WordPress VIP?

We are aware that customers will face content-breaking changes with this change to embeds. We will publish recommended solutions on or before September 28th to help you ensure Facebook and Instagram embeds continue to function after the October 24th deadline.  You may be required to use a Facebook Developer token to implement this solution, and any solution is likely to require a small change to your site’s code. If you are unsure how to implement these changes, or have any additional questions regarding this change, please open a support ticket and we’ll be happy to assist.