WordPress 5.3 Rescheduled to Dec 11, 2019

Update Dec 11th, 20:41 UTC: The WordPress Core team has delayed the release of WordPress 5.3.1 until tomorrow, Thursday, December 12. We will be updating all VIP Go sites to WordPress 5.3.1 once it is released ( skipping version 5.3 on production ) .

WordPress 5.3.1 will be deployed to production environments next Wednesday, December 11 when WordPress 5.3.1 is available.

During the course of the initial upgrade to WordPress 5.3, we identified an issue in the way JavaScript is concatenated on VIP Go. In short, JavaScript that opts in to Strict Mode can’t be concatenated with JavaScript that does not. In certain contexts, this could lead to JavaScript errors on certain pages and break expected functionality.

We have disabled concatenation for the offending WordPress core files while we work on a longer-term fix.


All develop and preprod environments have already been upgraded to the new version. We recommend continued testing of WordPress 5.3 there to ensure a smooth upgrade.