Call for Testing: Jetpack 7.1 (Beta)

Jetpack 7.1 will be deployed to VIP Go on Wednesday, March 6, 2019. The upgrade is expected to be performed at 20:00 UTC (15:00 EST). This deployment date and time is subject to change if issues are discovered during testing of the Jetpack release.

The beta is available now, and the download link is at the top of the beta release notice.

What is being added or changed?

This update is mainly focused on the block editor, adding a handful of new blocks and improving some existing ones (video and related posts).

The new blocks include:

  • An ads block that allows you to insert ads from our WordAds program.
  • A business hours block that allows you to inform your customers of Open Hours.
  • A contact info block that provides an address, phone number, and email address for customers and search engines like Google.
  • A Mailchimp block that allows you to insert a Mailchimp form anywhere within a post or page.
  • A slideshow block to display a slideshow of images within your content.

Not using the Gutenberg / Block Editor yet? Learn more about the new streamlined editorial experience and how you can start leveraging it on your VIP site!

In addition to the block editor updates, Jetpack 7.1 brings Google’s reCAPTCHA feature to contact forms, regardless of whether they’re added through the classic editor or using the contact form block in the block editor.

What should I do?

We recommend:

  1. Installing the beta release on your non-production sites using these instructions.
  2. Running through the testing flows outlined in the Jetpack Testing Guide.

If you have testing feedback or questions related to this release (or Jetpack in general), please open a support ticket with details and we will be happy to assist.