3 thoughts on “WordPress 4.9 Delayed

  1. Josh,
    I know this is asking a question about something that is a ways off. However, as the current timeline may put Gutenberg in a 5.x release in 2018, can we get some information as to what the initial plans/thoughts are for the Gutenberg roll-out on the VIP and VIP Go platforms?

    I’d like to start preparing site owner and editor-in-chief for the concept of Gutenberg after their Christmas rush is over and I want do it without inducing a panic nor relaying false/guessed at information. I’m not certain that’s at all possible, but I want to take a run at it. This will require a significant amount of staff retraining. Plus VIP clients are likely to have a high number of legacy posts that may occasionally require editing. There will be variations in how Gutenberg saves the results vs current editor saves them. So I wonder how that will be handled too.

    Any information/initial thoughts/introductory concepts VIP can provide as early as possible would be incredibly helpful.

    • Hey Brian! Great question, thanks for asking. The VIP team has been working closely with the Gutenberg team as they plan their rollout, and we are starting to include VIP clients in some user-testing. We’re highly aware of the backwards-compatibility concern and are being thoughtful about the rollout plans. The plans at the moment would not “force” editors into using Gutenberg, though some might like it so much they would prefer it! We’ll have a more informational post about Gutenberg and VIP coming soon that you’ll be able to share with your editorial team and other stakeholders.

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