CSS Minification Is Coming August 3 – Now’s A Great Time To Test And Preview

Update 8/6: In moving this feature to production we’ve encountered some issues that weren’t surfaced in previous testing. We’re troubleshooting and will update again once CSS minification has been enabled.

On August 3 we’re enabling a new feature which will automatically minify CSS files hosted on your WordPress.com VIP sites. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept, minification helps improve performance on your site by removing unnecessary whitespace and formatting from your code, so your users only download what’s absolutely necessary.

If you’re using our Quickstart development environment (you are using Quickstart, aren’t you?), we’ve already enabled CSS minification for you by default.

Now is a great time test it on your production sites by appending ?cssminify=yes to any page url. For example, https://lobby.vip.wordpress.com/?cssminify=yes.

We’re planning to enable the feature for all VIP sites on August 3, barring any show-stopping feedback from you.

Please test, and if you spot any issues, get in touch!