Switching Polldaddy logins to WordPress.com logins

We know that many of you VIPs are using Polldaddy to power your surveys, polls, and ratings for your sites.

On December 3rd, Polldaddy will require logging in using a WordPress.com username to access the Polldaddy Dashboard. Your account owners should have received an email in the past week or two with information and links to facilitate the switch. (Note: this does not impact polls and ratings managed from your WordPress.com sites. Those will continue to work as-is.)

If you haven’t done the switch yet, please make sure you do it before December 3rd so the transition to the new system is seamless for you.

If you need any help connecting your account, or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write to us in VIP Support or contact Polldaddy Support at support@polldaddy.com.