Introducing the Public Version of Gutenberg Ramp

The public version of our Gutenberg Ramp plugin is now available! For most of you, this is more an FYI than an actionable note. This version will only be useful for sites hosted somewhere other than VIP.

Ramp is a plugin we developed to help you test your customizations and workflows with Gutenberg sooner and get your teams and sites ready for a smooth transition to the new editor.

For all VIP sites hosted on Go, your procedure for loading Gutenberg will remain the same as we have previously shared and is described in this help doc. This new plugin is for anyone in the community with sites hosted elsewhere who want to take advantage of the simple functionality we developed. The primary difference between the two is that we added a UI for the public version, so that outside of the enterprise context users who manage their plugins directly via UI rather than code would be able to use it easily.

As a reminder, the Gutenberg project itself is still ongoing and still releasing fantastic new features regularly, so the Gutenberg plugin itself is likely to continue to change. This could break things in the short term. While we encourage taking advantage of everything Gutenberg has to offer as soon as you can, it’s also important to do so with open eyes and the ability to absorb unexpected changes.

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