New Feature: Commit Webhook

Sounds like VIP developers really like webhooks šŸ™‚

Based on a request on the original announcement for Deploy Webhook (Thanks Chris!), we added another one, this time for commits.

Now you can get pings via a simple webhook whenever a commit for your theme or plugin code is pushed to the subversion repo.

Same as before, you can specify your webhook endpoints in file called wpcom-meta.php in the root of your theme:

 * Commit Webhook:

Endpoints can be a comma-separated list of URLs.

Commit Webhook:, 

Endpoints will receive something like the following as POST data:

array (
    'repo' => 'vip',
    'theme' => 'test-theme',
    'revision' => '1234',
    'committer' => 'batmoo',

Leave a comment here if you have any suggestions for improvements or other webhooks we could add. We’d also love to hear what you end up doing with these!

4 thoughts on “New Feature: Commit Webhook

  1. Was just thinking the same as Jake.

    This would be useful as we are looking to put this into a channel

  2. I’ve got around this by grabbing the log message from svn by revision number, but would still be useful as it would save me having to do this!

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